So New Year is coming up Not that this has been the best of years in memory. Let’s hold the detail and just acknowledge that the economies crashed, Saab went…Continue readingReflections
The little dots of life: — “As an example to others, and not that I care for moderation myself, it has always been my rule never to smoke when asleep,…Continue readingRandom quotes
You are about 1/2 sec late. According to experiments conducted by neurofysiologist Benjamin Libet, the human consiousness is delayed. When the brain is ready for action ( measurable by EEG)…Continue readingConscious?
Så skal man jo misbruge Nietzsche. Han er altid god for et par provokerende overskrifter. Men jeg vil nu hellere misbruge Jim Jarmusch. Han har jo lavet den intet mindre…Continue readingAt filosofere med hammeren..Cyberstyle
So he was responsible for the killing of a god. And, no, he didn’t show any remorse. Being a scandinavian it would seem right to go with the Asatru. Unfortunately…Continue readingOf Lokean virtues
(En Wadskov manipulation) Verden er fyldt med postulerede sandheder, sikkerheder, lovmæssigheder, opfattelser og idealer. Hvis disse opfattes som absolut sande er verden i lige så høj grad fyldt med deres…Continue readingSandt og falsk